This morning I read an article about Stephanie Nielsen and her sisters. http://http// Her sister has been posting her recovery on her blog, blog.cjanerun.
Anyway, my mind has been on sisters all day. Specifically the love of sisters. My earliest memory of sisters were of the example of these sisters:
Anyway, my mind has been on sisters all day. Specifically the love of sisters. My earliest memory of sisters were of the example of these sisters:
Aunt Marlene is on the left, Aunt Nona in the middle, and Mom is on the right. The stories I've heard like they shared the same bed until Mom got married. Aunt Nona coming to live with Mom and Dad. They did everything together. I look at this picture and just feel love. The last memory I have of the 3 sisters is when they loved and cared for Aunt Marlene. You see Aunt Marlene was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It was inoperable. She went through radiation and when there was nothing else to do she came to live with us. Mom loved and cared for her like no one else could. She was her sister. Even though I was only 11 I think I understood that. As adult sister and daughter I appreciate it. How blessed I was to be shown that example.
This is me and my sisters. Lynnae on the left, and Sheri in the middle. We are 9 years between each of us, so I don't think we all lived at home at the same time. I didn't think we look alike until I saw this picture.
Sheri is the first born. Probably one of the strongest women I know. I'm proud of all she's done and it gives me hope to know that she will always be there. She's the big sister. I'm glad Dad didn't leave you by the side of the road. Lynnae, even though she is the youngest she may be the strongest. I think she may stronger than she even knows, but she has a tender heart. Today I just really missed my sisters.
These sisters are my daughters. They used to share the same bed too. For a long time they wouldn't sleep in separate rooms. They're grown now, and they've grown strong. They love, laugh and cry together. They are sisters.
I hope I can always be a good sister.
Thanks I really needed that right now.
Whether you think you are or not you are strong too. I think it just comes with being a Palmer/Lee and Ashchroft/Foutz. Usually everyone else sees it in us, but we just do whatever we have to do no matter what.
That was such a sweet post,and neat that each generation had three sisters. I'm sure glad that I have a sister:)
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